Saturday, 31 March 2012

A group of RINJ team members got together at a McDonald's today to discuss the sudden death of Oksana and there were some very long, sad faces.

One cannot imagine what the funeral must have been like for that family.

Our hearts are ripped apart.

Misogyny of all kinds has cost so much... companies that promote rape and child molestation have contributed so much to the atrocities that occur around the world at an increasing rate. For example the video Oksana Makar shot with her mom has had a few of our ladies in tears for days. We were raising money to help her and had even found a cosmetic surgery clinic in Toronto, Canada willing to help out. But Oksana died. her funeral this morning... now there are broken hearts and tears all around the world.

The rape culture that allowed and even promoted this sadistic atrocity must end. As we prayed for Oksana's recovery, we read advertisements like the one posted by Belvedere Vodka making a joke about rape and drinking. Belevedere Vodka said in pictures that drunken violence toward women is sexy. 

Our press release of noon today urges Belvedere Vodka which promoted drunken rape in its controversial ads, step up and help Oksana's family. In the alternative RINJ has threatened a lawsuit. 

At some point, the escalation of rape must be put in check. If a large corporation needs to fall in order to do that, then let's bring a few down.

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